of Canard

egg / duck / kimchi


Ramen…a wonderful thing - seriously filling. Like a hugely filling thing. I am not a ramen expert, probably made about 20 ramens in my days. I have never worked in a ramen restaurant so I’m not trying to be Berty Big Bollocks and show off, just giving you what I believe to be a tasty bowl of fucking soup? That alright with you? Try it out, don’t try it out - do what you want. Gee’ a fuck?. I think it’s nice. . Man i’ve got to calm down a bit, getting proper angry over fuck all.

Anyway, a story about Ramen? So, during the start of Jade’s pregnancy all she would eat was Ramen. She loved going to the same ramen place everyday for weeks on end…ridiculous. So I thought, “Right! I’ll make a big fuck off pot of broth, a tare and pork belly and that will save us some cash?” Correct? No! WRONG! As soon as I’d made it she was done with Ramen, lost all the urges! Maybe I did just make a shite ramen and she was being polite, fuck knows!? Either way that’s my ramen story. Shite eh? Sorry I’ll try better next time.




It was a bangin’ pot of Ramen. Cam was just way too late to the party.


Junk’s Jam:

Serves 2


So the base stock & the tare make more than what you need for the recipe but having a really good base stock sitting in the freezer is not a bad thing! Amazing to have at hand for whatever & whenever it’s called for - feel free to half or quarter it!


>Japanese Spiralizer
>Big Pot
>Fine Sieve

The Recipe

Stage #1
>the PREP

Base Stock

1 Pork Shank
500g Chicken Wings
Bones from 2 Duck Legs (See Below)

15g Kombu
5 Dried Shiitake Mushrooms
2 Tsp Szechuan Peppercorns
1/2 White Onion
20g Ginger
4 Cloves Garlic
2 Red Chillis

  • Preheat your oven to 180ºc.

  • Spread the Chicken Wings & Duck Bones on a baking tray and roast for 1 hour and a half, or until fully crispy and coloured. Place into a large pot with the rendered fat.

  • Chop the Onion, Ginger, Garlic & Chilli. Add the chopped veg and rest of your ingredients into the pot and fill with water to the brim.

    Now this will take a while so I hope you have the patience.

  • Bring the pot up to the boil and continue to boil for 20 minutes. Bring the heat down to medium and have on a simmer. Do one large skim of the pot and discard. Place a lid on top and keep at a simmer for at least 24 hours. Keep an eye on it! Top up with water when needed.

    Now usually with stocks you would be constantly skimming off the impurities and fat, but with ramen I tend to keep it in. Gives it a bit more body and generally a bit more sexy dirty flavour.

    After your initial 24 hours, asses. I usually keep it going for another day but there should be a good amount of flavour already installed in the base.

  • Take off the heat and strain through a fine mesh sieve. When you come to all the bones etc, get a spoon and really squeeze as much liquid out of those things as you can, then toss in the bin.

  • Let the liquid cool and reserve for later.



Junk’s Tare

100g Spring Onion
15g Ginger
125g Soy Sauce
55g Chilli Oil
220g Sesame Paste
30g Mirin
10g Rice Wine Vinegar
100g Futsū-shu Sake
55g Red Miso
2 Green Chillis
2 Banana Shallots
1 Tbsp Cuihong Chilli Oil Dipping Mix 

First off, do not write down recipes that you’ve made up on old till roll thats covered in grease and jam then place in-between a bunch of cooking books expecting to find it in flawless condition! This recipe took 3 weeks to find…

So… figure out the method. Haha, I kid, I kid, because I love. This is pretty straight forward.

  • Chop up all your Veg rough as you like add to a blender with everything else and blitz on full tits.



Duck Leg

2 Large Duck Legs
2 Star-Anise
45g Red Miso
60g White Port
70g Rock Salt
40g Dark Brown Sugar
10g Cuihong Chilli Oil Dipping Mix

1 Litre Duck Fat/Vegetable Oil

  • Place the Star-Anise, Miso, Port, Dipping Mix, Salt & Sugar into a spice grinder and pulse.

  • Rub everything into the Duck Legs and leave for 3 hours.

  • Give the duck a good ‘ol wash.

  • Place in a deep tray and cover with the Fat or Oil. cover the tray with two layers of tin foil.

  • Place into a preheated oven set at 140oC & cook for 3 hours or until very tender.

  • Remove from the oven and let cool in the Fat. Once cool remove the bones and very gently remove the skin, try and keep as whole as possible and keep to one side. Casually fuck up the rest of the duck leg meat but not too much keep some quite chunky.

  • Heres the tricky bit. lay down three sheets of clingfilm on top of each other about 60cm wide will be grand. lay down the Duck Skin outer skin side down add in the Duck Leg now wrap the skin around the meat and the cling film around the skin to make a large cylinder. Roll this up as tight as you can and tie each side with string or the clingfilm thats there. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

  • All done. Fast forward to the cooking sections



Duck Tit

9oz Duck Breast

  • A day before cooking, bring your Duck Titty out of the packet, dry it and place on a J-cloth (skin facing upwards). Pop it back in the fridge and leave uncovered for one day.

  • On the underside of the Duck there will be some silver skin and a wee fillet, hack that off with your superior knife skills then turn over and score the Tit at an angle, careful not to go right through the skin!

  • Ready to go. Fast Forward to the Cooking Section.




2 Burford Brown Eggs

Maldon Sea Salt

  • Cook the Eggs in boiling water for five & a half minutes, plunge into ice water.

  • Peel the Eggs, Season with Salt & Togarashi.




Kimchi (See Recipe)
1 Carrot
2 Spring Onion
1 Bunch Somen Noodles

Table Salt

  • Check the Kimchi recipe out - make that, set aside.

  • Pre-heat a fryer to 190ºc.

  • Spiralise the Carrot and wash in cold water for ten minutes.

  • Thinly slice the Sp-onion lengthways and refresh in ice water.

  • Take 4 or 5 of the Noodles and deep fry at 190ºc, they should puff slightly. Season with Salt and set aside. Cook the rest of the Noodles for 2 minute - 3 minutes. Strain and set aside.

Stage #2
>Cook it baby!

  • Pre-heat the oven to 180ºc.

  • Place a pan onto a medium heat. Season the Duck Breast and place in the pan skin side down. Keep on the skin until completely crisp, turn over and colour the underside. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 180ºc. Bring out and rest for 5 minutes.

  • Using the same pan and duck fat, cook off your ‘Ballottine’ of Duck Leg. Crispen up the skin surrounding it then place in the oven for 5 minutes. Take out and sit with the breast.

  • In a pot add 580g of Stock & 70g of Tare - bring up to a simmer.

  • Get. Ready. For. Plating.

Stage #3