Street Food…

We love it! How can you not?

Street food was our first step in bringing you our Junk in real life. We’d made a pretty good recipe website together that we were super proud of, but ultimately we live, eat and breathe making and serving the dinner! We really wanted to break into the street food scene but with little money or equipment and no place to cook we were struggling with what to do next.

Some of you may know already but we got our first break at The Pitt, when it was on Pitt Street. We owe a lot to them. The guys were super lovely and recommended applying for the Scottish Street Food Awards. Considering this was our first gig we laughed at the idea for a bit but thought fuck it - whats to lose. Cam wrote a brilliantly shit spiel about doing it for the love of potatoes and somehow we were invited back a few weeks later to take part in the competition. If we’ve not told you enough already - we won!

After that we got so many event proposals in our inbox it was truly amazing and overwhelming all at once. We are so grateful to our dear friend Stu (now Head Chef of Junk, Bar & Restaurant) who quit his job to come work with us in a shitty gazebo over the summer. We really couldn’t have done Junk without him. We did a different event and menu each week and ultimately won both the British and European Street Food Awards that summer too.

We met so many amazing people who really work their asses off and have so much passion and love for what they do. Also getting to eat so much tasty food from the other traders was definitely a bonus. What we’re trying to say here is we fucking love Street Food!

On the menu…

Come find us at at our new street food spot at ESF inside the Omni Centre: 12pm - 10pm, 7 days a week.

We are super excited to be working alongside 9 other amazing traders serving up some of the best street food in Edinburgh and afar!

Edinburgh Street Food
Omni Centre
Greenside Row

Please show us your support:
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