Q & A


So you want more info on what we can and cannae do?!

Firstly, we are a small 32 cover restaurant with an even smaller kitchen and back of house storage space, unfortunately this limits us on how much food we can store and prep! We would absolutely love to cater for every possible dietary requirement but we just do not have the means. For many dietaries (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Pescatarian, Vegetarian, No Nuts, No Fucks) we can muster up as many options as we can to give you the amazing Junk experience, we only ask for a bit of notice!

There are some dietaries that we cannot do: no sulphites; vegan; and usually any other dietary that has 3 or more of the main allergens. This is simply down to the ingredients we use in our menu. When things become more complex we then have to compromise on quality and we just aren’t wiling to do that. Still unsure? Please give us a call - 0131 563 9085.

Cancellation Policy

Why do you have one and what is it?

**We have a 24hr cancelation policy for groups 1-4, 48hrs for 5 or more, bookings that fail to cancel within this time will incur a £20 per head charge.

We would love to be in the position where we don’t need a cancellation policy but unfortunately we are too small of a business to do that. When someone cancels their booking within 24hrs, it is very unlikely that we will resell that table. As the amount of covers on the table rises so does our time to sell it. We buy all our produce in for the amount of covers we have booked, when we lose a booking and don’t resell, then that food as well as the cost to purchase it goes to waste - and we hate wastage. We also do our best to make sure the appropriate amount of staff are on to take care of you. What many people underestimate is the sheer cost it takes to run a small restaurant like ours. Curious? For us it’s £40,000 a month - thats a lot of moola. We do this first and foremost for the love of it.

Anyway… from our experience, without a cancellation policy we would experience a lot more vacant tables. It is not only a deterrent from leaving us in the shit (whether you mean it or not), but it enables us to keep our doors open and continue to do what we love. For this reason we charge £20 per head to cover our costs. Many people think that if they rebook then the cancellation charge shouldn’t stand. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case - we are super happy you want to rebook and come in to eat our Junk but that doesn’t change the loss we’ve had on that particular day.

We aren’t gremlins - if you do have a serious reason that is more than your pal cancelled on you, your partner stood you up, or you’re feeling a bit under the weather, then please get in touch and ask to speak to one of our lovely managers. Thanks for your understanding!